AAWW scifi panel book sale | |

AAWW scifi panel with Tim O'Connell and Malka Older 2016 | |

BSAM at the Bronx Museum 2017 |

CUNY Panel on Diversity in SciFi | |

KGB Fantastic Fiction | |

Kindred Reading Series 2012 |

Linebreak Reading | |

Linebreak Reading 2018 | |

LunaCon 2017 |

NYRSF Reading Series | |

Outsiders in SFF panel at the Center for Fiction 2011 | |

Queens Book Festival |

Queens Book Festival 2 | |

SciFi Panel at ComicCon w Alaya and Myke Cole and Me | |

The SciFi-Fantasy at the Writer’s Digest Conference 2018 |

WBAI Hour of the Wolf Readig | |